May 27, 2013 | Blog, Christianity, Current Events, Following Christ, Hostage (Blog Series), Life, Pain
A few weeks ago, our entire region (and most of the country) was captivated by the news that three women who had been missing for years had been found in a basement in Cleveland. (Even if you weren’t captivated by that news, I guarantee the related, autotuned... May 20, 2013 | Blog, Christianity, Following Christ, Life
If you’ve ever felt like certain parts of Jesus’ message seem conflicting, you’re definitely not alone. The most confusing thing to many people is the idea of dying to live. In John 10, Jesus is warning His followers to be careful to not get dragged... May 13, 2013 | Christianity, Following Christ, Life, Pain, Prayer, Vision, Worship & Arts, Worship & Arts
God is teaching me a lesson in patience right now. Ever been there? I don’t know about you, but I’m a “Fast Forward” kind of guy. I like things moving, I like action, I like change. I’m motivated by results and so I like to have a plan to...