Aug 24, 2017 | Blog, Leadership, Leadership
Over the past few weeks, I’ve had several conversations with friends who are considering looking for a mentor to help them grow their leadership. This post is a few thoughts that I usually share with people who are beginning that process. For what it’s... Apr 28, 2015 | Blog, Leadership, Leadership, Ministry, Student Ministry, Volunteers, Youth Ministry
If you’re in a leadership role of any kind, ministry or otherwise, you will lead a meeting at some point (or at least help to lead one). Here are 5 simple, really important things you can do to make your meetings fun, successful and productive for your team: 1.... Nov 6, 2014 | Blog, Leadership, Self-Worth
“The greatest mistake we make is living in constant fear that we will make one.” – John Maxwell Like most driven, motivated, type-a leaders, I’m not afraid of much. I’ll make decisions, I’ll lead teams, I’ll take risks. I don’t shy... Oct 29, 2014 | Blog, Leaders That Last (Blog Series), Leadership, Leadership, Life, Ministry, Self-Worth
Writer’s Note: Something I’m passionate about is helping leaders last in the positions of leadership God has given them. As a young leader I’ve learned a few lessons the hard way and I welcome the opportunity to share my experience with others to...