Oct 16, 2014 | Blog, Leadership, Leadership, Ministry, Student Ministry, Vision, Youth Ministry
To be successful, every organization, church, or business needs a clearly defined mission and vision. (Tweet this) Without defined goals, processes, and systems, nothing can be measured or evaluated. No progress can be made. The challenge for leaders young and old is...
Sep 17, 2014 | Blog, Leadership, Ministry, Student Ministry, Youth Ministry
Does it sound weird to you that a coffee from Starbucks can do more to impact a student than your latest, greatest idea for a youth ministry program? Maybe you’ve never thought about it, but it’s true. There is a really good mini-article in this...
Sep 13, 2014 | Blog, Christianity, Ministry, Student Ministry, Vision, Youth Ministry
I started to write this post with some really wordy paragraphs about church growth and ministry strategy but it sounded lame so I deleted it. Instead, let me admit to you what one of my biggest struggles has been. I struggle with a constant feeling of insufficiency....
Aug 31, 2014 | Blog, Student Ministry, Youth Ministry
I’ve been asked by three different people in the past two weeks what advice I have for someone who is tasked with starting a student ministry from scratch. It’s a frustrating, intimidating job. My advice is this: Pick a school district and make it your...