Nov 6, 2014 | Blog, Leadership, Self-Worth
“The greatest mistake we make is living in constant fear that we will make one.” – John Maxwell Like most driven, motivated, type-a leaders, I’m not afraid of much. I’ll make decisions, I’ll lead teams, I’ll take risks. I don’t shy...
Nov 5, 2014 | Blog, Leadership, Leadership, Ministry, Student Ministry, Youth Ministry
The responsibility of teaching is one that should never be taken lightly. Every time I speak to or teach my students or any other group, I make the following promises: I will always be honest. I won’t sugarcoat the facts or shy away from the truth. I won’t...
Oct 29, 2014 | Blog, Leaders That Last (Blog Series), Leadership, Leadership, Life, Ministry, Self-Worth
Writer’s Note: Something I’m passionate about is helping leaders last in the positions of leadership God has given them. As a young leader I’ve learned a few lessons the hard way and I welcome the opportunity to share my experience with others to...
Oct 16, 2014 | Blog, Leadership, Leadership, Ministry, Student Ministry, Vision, Youth Ministry
To be successful, every organization, church, or business needs a clearly defined mission and vision. (Tweet this) Without defined goals, processes, and systems, nothing can be measured or evaluated. No progress can be made. The challenge for leaders young and old is...
Sep 11, 2014 | Blog, Leadership, Ministry
You’ve done it. Sunday morning, you’re late. You’re rushing to get out to the door and get to church. In your haste, you cut yourself shaving. If you’re a man, you’ve cut your face. Women, you’ve cut your legs (or maybe your face…I mean, I don’t know your grooming...
Sep 9, 2014 | Blog, Christianity, Following Christ, Leadership, Leadership, Life, Ministry, Pain, Prayer, Self-Worth, Self-Worth, Worldview
I came across this prayer recently. Something about the simplicity of it resonated with me. It’s ironic and profound that the things we would consider to be a burden, the writer considers to be blessings from God. I’ve been praying through this every...