May 23, 2013 | Blog, Christianity, Current Events, Following Christ, Life, Ministry, News, Pain, Politics, Vision, Worldview
You’ve seen it by now. Whether it was John Piper’s now-infamous tweet (which has since been deleted), Westboro Baptist’s new hate-slinging website (which has since been hacked), or any of a number of other disturbing, disappointing and discouraging... May 17, 2013 | Blog, Christianity, Following Christ, Leadership, Life, Ministry, Pain, Worldview
I originally wrote this blog post in December of 2011. [bra_border_divider top=”15″ bottom=”15″] I don’t know if it’s the weather turning cold or the fact that the Cleveland Browns are terrible again this year, but lately I’ve... May 15, 2013 | Christianity, Following Christ, Leadership, Life, Ministry, Vision, Worldview
A question that every Christian (and every church) should ask all the time is Do we exist IN our city or do we exist FOR our city? Are you just in your city, or do the people around you know that the reason you are there, the reason your church exists, and everything... May 1, 2013 | Blog, Christianity, Following Christ, Life, Ministry, Prayer, Worldview
Have you ever gone rock climbing? I’ve never done extreme outdoor rock climbing, but I’ve done plenty of indoor climbing. It’s intense. It’s physically challenging and fun. If you have the right equipment and you’re being supported by... Mar 28, 2013 | Following Christ, Leadership, Life, Ministry, Vision, Worldview
This morning I had a conversation with someone on the phone that really got me thinking. This individual is looking for some answers to a particular situation they’re facing in life right now, and they’re feeling pretty lost at the moment. The ultimate...