Mar 12, 2019 | Blog, Christianity, Following Christ, Life, Ministry, Pain
You ever have something you want to say, but you know you probably shouldn’t? I know the feeling. Truth be told, I’ve written this blog post a dozen times, and never hit “Publish.” Why? Well, it’s pretty simple. See, right or wrong, when...
Oct 1, 2015 | Blog, Christianity, Faith, Following Christ, Life, Ministry, Pain, Prayer
I’ll bet that if you and I were to sit down over coffee and I asked you if anything is worrying you or stressing you out, you’d be able to rattle off a handful of things without even thinking about it. I could too. There are a few things I’ve lost...
May 5, 2015 | Blog, Ministry, Student Ministry, Volunteers, Youth Ministry
Volunteers are the backbone of our student ministry. Without them, I’d be dead in the water. Their time investment, passions, gifts, and heart for students make it all work. In a student ministry of any size, a team of volunteers who love Jesus and love teens is...
Apr 28, 2015 | Blog, Leadership, Leadership, Ministry, Student Ministry, Volunteers, Youth Ministry
If you’re in a leadership role of any kind, ministry or otherwise, you will lead a meeting at some point (or at least help to lead one). Here are 5 simple, really important things you can do to make your meetings fun, successful and productive for your team: 1....
Apr 24, 2015 | Blog, Design, Free Stuff, Graphic Design, Ministry, Resources, Student Ministry
I’m always looking for free or low-cost tools that can be easily implemented into our student ministry to save time, money, resources, and increase productivity. When I come across tools that are useful to our team, I love to pass them on. Here are five tools...
Apr 22, 2015 | Blog, Leadership, Ministry, Student Ministry, Youth Ministry
If you’re a youth pastor or leader, how would your students respond if I asked them what the most important thing you want them to know is? There are so many important things you want to teach. So many things you want them to hear, to own, and to hang onto. But...