Oct 16, 2014 | Blog, Leadership, Leadership, Ministry, Student Ministry, Vision, Youth Ministry
To be successful, every organization, church, or business needs a clearly defined mission and vision. (Tweet this) Without defined goals, processes, and systems, nothing can be measured or evaluated. No progress can be made. The challenge for leaders young and old is...
Oct 10, 2014 | Blog, Christianity, Following Christ, Leadership, Life, Ministry, Pain, Prayer, Self-Worth, Self-Worth
The first time I dreamed that I was drowning, I was actually surprised to wake up. It was so real and so vivid that I actually believed that I was dying. I don’t know if you’ve ever dreamt you were drowning, but it’s terrifying. I was even more...
Sep 17, 2014 | Blog, Leadership, Ministry, Student Ministry, Youth Ministry
Does it sound weird to you that a coffee from Starbucks can do more to impact a student than your latest, greatest idea for a youth ministry program? Maybe you’ve never thought about it, but it’s true. There is a really good mini-article in this...
Sep 9, 2014 | Blog, Christianity, Following Christ, Leadership, Leadership, Life, Ministry, Pain, Prayer, Self-Worth, Self-Worth, Worldview
I came across this prayer recently. Something about the simplicity of it resonated with me. It’s ironic and profound that the things we would consider to be a burden, the writer considers to be blessings from God. I’ve been praying through this every...
Sep 4, 2014 | Blog, Leadership, Life, Ministry, Self-Worth, Value, Vision
If I asked you what your calling in life is, could you answer me clearly? Most people can’t, but the fact that more people than ever are openly searching for their calling is no secret. This search is materializing in a generational increase in “job...
Jul 17, 2013 | Blog, Christianity, Following Christ, Leadership, Life, Vision
I was watching Jimmy Kimmel Live earlier this week because I like his name, and he played this game where he had a guy out on the street and they brought random people on camera and Kimmel had to guess if they were American or if they were a “foreigner.”...